What Is Tension ? Why Are You Not Relaxed ? Let's Go To The Root.

This Post is in connection with the previous Article; "Frustrated ? Let's Relax In A Simple Way." : http://naturelaws.blogspot.in/2014/05/frustrated-lets-relax-in-simple-way.html

Tension means hurry, fear, doubt.

Tension means a constant effort to protect, to be secure, to be safe.

Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now, or for the after life – afraid tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so be prepared.

Tension means the past that you have not lived really but only some how bypassed; it hangs, it is a hangover, it surrounds you.

These are the only cause for the Tensions at different ages and time; so eliminating these and fault finding into this will make you "Tension Free" isn't it ? And Relax !!

Keep Reading For Further Explanations, And Keep Smiling.